Mission, Vision & Objectives
EWFA’s Mission
To function as the leading European association for window film, with a broad and growing membership base encompassing various levels of the window film value chain with the capacity to provide technical and advisory services to members and non-members.

EWFA’s Vision
Have window film accepted as high-performance, energy-saving, economical glazing enhancement solutions for architectural and automotive applications.

EWFA’s Objectives
- Neutral representation of the window film industry.
- Increase awareness of window film towards local, national and European policy-makers.
- Give input to appropriate bodies to get window film included in relevant legislation and initiatives.
- Encourage adoption of industry-accepted standards in local rules and regulations.
- Strategically defend the use of window film where rules, regulations or practises are limiting its use and capitalise on opportunities arising out of European policy developments.
- Provide a forum of discussion for the industry.